Commercial Real Estate

Whether the real estate is warehousing, retail, engineering or office space, water plays a significant role in the operation of your business and in the energy and sustainability rating of the property.

With an Algaesys resource recovery centre installed, you can significantly reduce the water usage of your building providing recovered water to Euro Class-C level for non-potable use in cooling towers, grey water systems, irrigation for horticulture, wash-down activities, etc.

If you have existing water processing systems in place, Algaesys has the added advantage of offering improved performance and decreased operational cost - with little to no energy required for our process, we are the only truly sustainable water processing solution that can reliably generate carbon credits.

In today’s and tomorrows’ world both tenants and owners will increasingly look to improve the energy efficiency and sustainable performance of their properties. It’s already a requirement in Europe for stock-listed entities to report their Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions annually as part of their statutory reporting pack.

Getting there early will make your properties more attractive, while reducing the operational cost and increasing the rental returns. Take action now.


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