Benefits of ALGAESYS
Since 2014, we have been treating wastewater to
Euro Class-C reuse standards using the power of the sun.
The benefits of ALGAESYS:
The ten years of research and refinement that have gone into our system have resulted in an optimised, efficient system design. Everything from the depth of the tanks, the algal/bacteria colonies, the cycling of light/dark exposure have been tested and optimised. Our process destroys pathogens and stable persistent organic chemicals. It also captures heavy metals and micro-plastics.
Power Consumption
Due to the harnessing of the biological process and the use of the sun to “power” them as well as some small-scale PV for our monitoring systems and electrical pumps and blowers, we don’t need a power feed. We can work off-grid.
Despite being a biological system, our algal and bacterial colonies, supported by the environment we create for them, have proven to be resilient to toxins and shocks. Our longest operating facility in Indiana has survived for nine years (so far) without incident, despite significant variations in load, flow and composition from eight dwellings during the week to three hundred and fifty recreational vehicles at the weekend.
Operational Cost
When you don’t have to buy power, and you don’t need to consume chemicals and the plant is both robust and simple enough to be managed by any worker with minimal training (as opposed to a process or chemical engineer) then you can expect the operational costs to be lower than what they would be in a traditional plant. Our estimate is 80% less lifecycle cost.
Lead time
If you ask an experienced civil engineer specialised in wastewater treatment how long it would take to build a traditional plant to service a community of 2,500 people, the answer (not factoring in approval processes, planning permission, etc.) would probably be somewhere between 12 and 24 months. Due to our pre-fabricated, self-contained, modular design, we can be ready to operate in 3 months from start of build.
Reuse at source
As our solution brings the water treatment to the source of the wastewater, reuse becomes a viable option. With our system producing Euro Grade-C water by default and Euro Grade-A water with a single post-process, the ability to reuse all the water that has been used on-site in a short timeframe is a reality. The ability to cut water usage costs significantly, for all water that isn’t consumed in your processes.